Regenerate-RISE takes referrals from Social Services, GPs, Sheltered Housing Wardens, Occupational Therapists, Hospitals and Families and our preference is for one of our Referral Forms to be completed. One of our staff will then telephone the person within 48 hrs to arrange a visit to see whether they are suitable for our service and whether indeed the person wishes to attend. The main criteria for someone to attend Regenerate-RISE is that they are over 60 years of age and are either isolated or at risk of isolation. The only people we cannot provide a service for are those with Dementia who may wander, as we do not have a locked door policy or those who are aggressive. We welcome people with disabilities, but do not provide lifting equipment for people who need to get out of their wheelchair.
We believe very much that the integration of able-bodied with disabled people is very important as it brings an empathy and support for one another. It increases a tolerance and understanding of disabilities as well as a compassionate and caring attitude between the peer group.
Referral documents
RISE SW11 closed on 31 March and it was the end of a very special era. We are now working from the Platt Mission in Putney and are still taking referrals from people across the borough.
If you would like to refer someone to our day services please click on the link below.
If you are a health professional and would like to refer a patient to RISE+ please go to the front page of our website and click on the referral form on the right hand side of the page for this service