RISE Nottingham is now at Clifton Methodist Church at Rivergreen and enjoys being there every Friday. There are four staff and they provide a delicious hot lunch and activities throughout the afternoon. A number of clients are transported by minibus every week and they look forward to their day together.
We would like to provide a service three days a week and we will be looking to develop the project to include health and wellbeing – if we can obtain new funding.
“We were very grateful to the Big Lottery for funding RISE Nottingham for five years, but appreciate that now it is time for a change” said Mo Smith, Chair of Trustees. “We want to have a much greater emphasis on reablement, focusing on health and wellbeing enabling older people to live independently in the community for as long as possible”. If you would like to fund a new project reaching out to the isolated elderly in Clifton, Nottingham, please contact Mo Smith on the email via the Contact Page.
RISE Nottingham
Clifton Methodist Church, Rivergreen, Clifton
Nottingham, NG11 8AU
Tel. 0115 984 4269
Mob. 0758 544 0564
email: lyndablyth@regenerate-rise.co.uk