
Welcome to RISE+

RISE+ is supporting hospitals across SW London including St George’s Hospital and Queen Mary’s Hospital with a “Home from Hospital” discharge plan.  The team are currently visiting the Senior Health wards to get to know patients and give individual support on discharge.  We provide a gift of a dressing gown along with a food parcel on arrival home and visit the patient several times initially to ensure the patient settles well  to avoid readmission to hospital.  Referrals are from the Discharge Co-ordinators, OTs, Physiotherapists and Social Workers and the Referral Form can be downloaded by clicking on the link below:


Bryce is our RISE+ Outreach Co-ordinator and is well known to our patients and to the staff on the wards.  Our work includes receiving hospital beds and equipment for patients in their homes, moving furniture around to make a suitable micro environment to adapt to patient’s changing needs and a variety of support to suit the individual.    We are a small team that provide a quick response and will do whatever we can to ensure the safe return of a patient home and also assist with anything that needs doing.

Our RISE+ team are Bryce, Debbie, Toney and Jackie and we currently have three volunteers, Robert, Ray and Mo.

“The multi-disciplinary team on the ward have witnessed how helpful you all have been, providing quick responses to our referrals and queries and efficient support to the patients which have helped to contribute to reducing hospital discharge delays” OT

“Forever thankful for what you have done for me” Patient

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