
The Challenge of A New Era

Regenerate-RISE owns the Platt Mission and due to Covid and having to purchase the Centre, the planning permission ran out. We are now about to submit a new planning application to Wandsworth Council for a 12 bed Reablement Unit that will provide a Centre of Excellence for older people. It will include day services on the ground floor, a hairdressing room along with therapy rooms on the first floor, facilities for visitors and a full health and wellbeing programme for all those using the building.

Our RISE+ programmes currently assists patients in hospital to return home safely and our new Centre will be accessed when there are delays, for whatever reason, to patients returning home when they are medically fit for discharge. Older people across the borough of Wandsworth and wider afield will be able to access the residential side of the Centre and our staff will do everything they can to enable the patient to return to their own home.

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