
Mission Statement

Regenerate-RISE provides a programme of support and care that is tailored to the individual and aims to encourage older people to realise their dreams and enjoy life.  We do not consider ourselves a Day Centre, but Day Services as we provide one-to-one support in the home, in hospital, in the community as well as in the Centre.  Our programme is based on activities that improve the health and wellbeing of individuals through physical activity, emotional and psychological support and consider that the “feel good” factor is very important in the day to day lives of older people.

Our annual Kings and Queens event is aimed at ensuring that every guest feels treated like a King or Queen as we value the input that each one has had during their lifetime.

Vision Statement

During the 15 years that Regenerate-RISE has been in existence, we have overseen projects in Sheffield for three years, Ealing for 5 years, Nottingham for 8 years, Roehampton/Putney for the whole of that time and for the last three years had a Centre in Battersea and RISE now reaches the whole of the borough of Wandsworth.  The challenge has changed and although we will still rise to the challenge of reaching the isolated elderly across the UK we have to look for new ways.  Our plans for the Reablement Centre will reach thousands of older people over the years ahead and provide a stepping stone to returning home and with on-going support, we believe we can improve the lives of older people.  Covid-19 has brought a new challenge to the whole of the UK and indeed the world and we have to adjust our model and work together with Churches and organisations to inspire the younger generation to care for the elderly.







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