Archive for July, 2020


Friday, July 3rd, 2020

The Challenge of the Coronavirus Crisis

There is no doubt that the challenge of the Coronavirus has changed the world significantly and particularly the lives of those who are most vulnerable, the older people who live in our communities.

Regenerate-RISE has dedicated two trees outside the Platt Centre to all the key workers who have committed their time to helping those with Covid-19 or at risk of Covid-19.  Cards are hung on the tree with the photographs of people who have worked hard to improve the lives of those who are currently suffering.  If you would like to add someone you know to our tree, then please bring a photograph to the Centre and we will add them to the tree.  At night time rainbow lights are switched on to remind us all of the care and love that each key worker gives to their family, friends and patients.

In the midst of this pandemic, Regenerate-RISE would like to purchase the Platt Centre in order that we can have a secure base to continue our work and build our new 10 bed Reablement Unit.  We have been given the deadline of 30 September by which to exchange contracts and together all involved are doing their best to achieve this deadline.

If you would like to donate towards the work of Regenerate-RISE and specifically to the purchasing of the Platt Centre, please go to the link below:











Friday, July 3rd, 2020

We aim to connect with the isolated elderly

Regenerate-RISE began as a new organisation in 2005 although RISE began under in the year 2001.  It has always been our intention to reach those who are feeling isolated and would appreciate social interaction.  It wasn’t long after we started, that we realised that many of those who were isolated also had disabilities and our transport provides a vital link to get people out of the house and into the community.  It was also considered important to take people out of the area on trips to garden centres, pubs and places of interest, provide lunches and extra support.  Over the years we have helped people in a great variety of ways which include hospital visiting, or attending appointments, moving into sheltered housing, claiming benefits, moving into care homes or providing the extra support that sometimes everybody needs.

For 15 years we worked in partnership with Livability as the Platt Christian Centre was one of their Church links, but sadly the charity is now going in a different direction and they brought the partnership to an end.  We do work closely with Hillsong and their Surrey Church has been a tremendous help during the Covid-19 crisis with the provision of food on a fortnightly basis for our Supply Bags.   We have developed our work in Battersea and work in partnership with St Michael’s C of E Church and hire their premises as well as benefit from regular visits by the Vicar, Rev Tif Ewins.  Many volunteers have come through St Michael’s and they have been a tremendous help throughout the last six months.




Thursday, July 2nd, 2020


Thursday, July 2nd, 2020


Thursday, July 2nd, 2020

The Future of RISE

Thursday, July 2nd, 2020

We have provided 188 Activity Kits to individuals who would like something creative to do whilst at home.  These included therapy colouring books and pens, pottery items to paint, suncatchers for their windows, a word search book, scratch art or jigsaws/painting by numbers.  It is great to know that people have found new talents and new hobbies during a time of crisis.  We are looking forward to continuing with these hobbies once we return to the Centre.  Currently we are looking at ensuring that “outreach” is high on our agenda as even whilst the country is opening up for people to go out, many older people with disabilities are still confined to home for the majority of the time.


Thursday, July 2nd, 2020


Thursday, July 2nd, 2020


Thursday, July 2nd, 2020


Thursday, July 2nd, 2020