
August 12th, 2020

Mission Statement

Regenerate-RISE provides a programme of support and care that is tailored to the individual and aims to encourage older people to realise their dreams and enjoy life.  We do not consider ourselves a Day Centre, but Day Services as we provide one-to-one support in the home, in hospital, in the community as well as in the Centre.  Our programme is based on activities that improve the health and wellbeing of individuals through physical activity, emotional and psychological support and consider that the “feel good” factor is very important in the day to day lives of older people.

Our annual Kings and Queens event is aimed at ensuring that every guest feels treated like a King or Queen as we value the input that each one has had during their lifetime.

Vision Statement

During the 15 years that Regenerate-RISE has been in existence, we have overseen projects in Sheffield for three years, Ealing for 5 years, Nottingham for 8 years, Roehampton/Putney for the whole of that time and for the last three years had a Centre in Battersea and RISE now reaches the whole of the borough of Wandsworth.  The challenge has changed and although we will still rise to the challenge of reaching the isolated elderly across the UK we have to look for new ways.  Our plans for the Reablement Centre will reach thousands of older people over the years ahead and provide a stepping stone to returning home and with on-going support, we believe we can improve the lives of older people.  Covid-19 has brought a new challenge to the whole of the UK and indeed the world and we have to adjust our model and work together with Churches and organisations to inspire the younger generation to care for the elderly.








August 10th, 2020


July 17th, 2020

Just a page

Just to put in some text and make sure that you have finished putting in all that you want. Then you can so the the add media section and either pick an exisitng or upload a new image. Cut the cloth to suit! Use thumbnails for smaller pages.








This is just a page, its has some images

And then it has a video.

And do the other things…..


July 17th, 2020

Cookies and our policies

Cookies are very small text files that are stored on your computer when you visit some websites.

We use cookies to help identify your computer so we can tailor your user experience, track shopping basket contents and remember where you are in the order process.

You can disable any cookies already stored on your computer, but these may stop our website from functioning properly.

The following is strictly necessary in the operation of our website.

This website will:

Remember what is in your shopping basket. Remember where you are in the order process. Remember that you are logged in and that your session is secure. You need to be logged in to complete an order. The following are not strictly necessary but are required to provide you with the best user experience and also to tell us which pages you find most interesting (anonymously).

This website will:

Offer ‘Live Chat Support’ (if available)
Track the pages you visit via Google Analytics
Use ‘Targeting Cookies’

Allow you to share pages with social networks such as Facebook, Twitter or Google+ (If available)

This website will not:

Share any personal information with third parties.



July 17th, 2020

Privacy and GDPR

Regenerate-RISE: Privacy Notice for Clients

GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) coming into force on 25 May 2018

Regenerate-RISE is committed to protecting your privacy along with respecting your personal information and we will do all we can to keep it safe.  It is really helpful for us to obtain your personal information and keep it on record and the only time we will pass it on is if there is a medical emergency, or for monitoring purposes with Wandsworth Council.  We will not sell or share personal details with third parties for the purposes of their marketing.

How we collect information about you

When you first attend Regenerate-RISE, we will ask you for the following information:

·         Name

·         Address

·         Date of Birth

·         Telephone Number

·         GP

·         Next of Kin

The reason for this is two fold:

1)      If we need to call a Doctor or an ambulance in an emergency, we can pass on the relevant information to the GP or hospital in order that they can give you the best care

2)      We are funded by Wandsworth Council and we are asked to give them the following information:

·         Name

·         Date of Birth

·         Post Code

Client Information Form (CIF)

We also ask for additional information for our Client Information Form.  That consists of:

·         The information given to us when you first attend

·         Whether you have a visual impairment

·         Whether you have a mobility impairment

·         Whether you are registered disabled

·         Whether you are a wheelchair user

·         Whether you use a frame

·         Whether you need help with personal care

·         Whether you need help with falls prevention

·         Medical conditions

·         Dietary requirements

·         Whether you receive a care package and if so, their name and telephone number along with the frequency of visits

·         Whether you have a Social Worker

·         Which agency referred you to us

·         Whether you have regular contact with family and others

How we store your information

We keep the information you give us in the following ways:

·         A Card Index File

·         Individual files in a locked cabinet

·         On the computer

·         On a mobile phone (telephone numbers)

Protecting your personal information

The security of your information is very important to us.  We do ensure that there are appropriate controls and procedures in place to protect your personal details.  For example:

·         Your Client Information Form is kept in a locked cabinet

·         The Card Index File is kept in a locked cabinet when the premises are not in use and in the office during the day – for easy access

·         Information on the computer is password protected

·         Information on a mobile phone is password protected

·         Information sent to Wandsworth Council is password protected

We do have to let you know that despite all the security and protection that we put in place, there is always a small risk that the security could be broken and therefore you do submit data at your own risk.  We are committed to undergo regular reviews as to who has access to the information that we hold on you.  Currently, within the Centres, the following people could have access to all or some of your information:

·         Staff

·         Volunteers

·         Trustees

·         Local Authority

It is important for members to inform staff if their personal information changes at any time.  We will also keep records of any donations you have made for at least seven years.  If a client leaves us a legacy, we will also keep that information to administer the gifts and to communicate with the families of people leaving legacies.

If you ask us to cease communication with you, we will keep a record of your name only.

Right of Access

You have the right to ask for a copy of the information we hold about you.  If there are any discrepancies in the details we provide, please let us know and we will correct them.  Please ask a member of staff if you wish to see these records.  Please request a copy if you would like one.

Your Agreement

We will ask you to sign an agreement for us to keep your personal information on our system.

Photographs and Social Media

From time to time we take photographs of activities and members and these are used in the following ways:

·         Leaflets

·         Website

·         Facebook

·         Instagram

·         Posters

·         Banners

We will need you to give us permission for your photograph to be used in the above media and will include this in the agreement that we ask you to sign.

Other Information

The General Data Protection Regulation also covers the personal data that we hold on Staff, Volunteers, Donors, Relatives and Visitors and Regenerate-RISE will be preparing a Privacy Notice to cover the variety of people that we work with and come into contact with.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask at any time.

Mo Smith

On behalf of the Trustees

30 April 2018







July 7th, 2020

[about us][RISE in the local community]

[reablement_new][Our vision for the future]

[outings] [Discovering the locality]

[training] [Quality Training leads to Excellent Care]

[trustees] [Committed to Care]

[ealing] [Serving the Community across Northolt, Greenford and Perivale]

[nottingham][Serving the Community across Clifton]

[sheffield] [Serving the Community of Nether Edge and Woodhouse]

[putney] [Serving the Community across Wandsworth]

[referrals][From Health Professionals, Relatives and Neighbours]

[events][Events and Fundraising]

[documents][A Valuable Resource]

[donate][From small beginnings to a national charity]

[outings][Trips, visits and days out]

[contact][How to get in touch and how to locate our centres]

[links_new][Other organisations with which we work or recommend]

[sw11][RISE is working across the borough of Wandsworth]

[volunteer_page][Volunteering with RISE]


July 7th, 2020

Thank you for getting in touch

If your message required a response from us, we will do our best to reply to you within 48 hours.


July 7th, 2020

Partnership or connected organisations

shineagain.co.uk Shine Again has merged with Regenerate-RISE and provides integrative art therapy in St Mary’s C of E Primary School, Putney  and Sacred Heart Catholic School in Roehampton.  It is now very much a part of the overall work of Regenerate-RISE
 http://www.thefeelgoodbakery.com The feel Good Bakery
Regenerate-RISE is supporting the Feel Good Bakery, who deliver sandwiches to the local community.  For every sandwich sold, a child is provided with a meal in Romania or Kenya – their website is www.thefeelgoodbakery.com



July 5th, 2020

Some kind of heading

The weather today is about as windy as I have ever seen it in London. On the radio they sais it might be gusting at 60mph! Certainly felt that strong when out walking the dog.

Hope that the rain holds off as we are having a birthday picnic tomorrow. Whole family – social bubble (I think).


July 5th, 2020

The New RISE Reablement Centre

Now that we have purchased the Platt Christian Centre as Stage 3 in our programme of renovation and reablement, we will be starting fundraising again to build our Reablement Centre. We still consider it to be very important to support older people on discharge from hospital, but Covid-19 has taught us to be very flexible and we hope to use the whole Centre to enable older people to reable after a stay in hospital and if they need residential care for a short time, we will be able to provide it.  We are looking currently at our options and will  keep the website updated with any news.  We have appreciated so much all the support from the local community throughout the Covid-19 crisis, it has been amazing and it is our intention to continue to serve the community across Wandsworth in reaching the isolated elderly through a programme of care and support that meets the needs of older people.  Our service may have to change as we are living in very challenging times but the team is committed to making a difference to individual lives.

If you have a fundraising idea, please do let us know and we will keep you informed of our plans for the coming year.

“We believe that Reablement includes social interaction, eating together, physical exercise and giving people the will to live again – through a programme of tailored individual support”


June is just one of the ladies who would have benefited from a stay when she came out of hospital.  Instead, she went straight to a care home, never returning to her home that she loved.

Rose was our inspiration behind the Reablement Centre.  At the age of 90 she was admitted to Charing Cross Hospital and desperately wanted to return home.   She lay in hospital staring at the blank walls watching the clock for visitors.  She stopped eating as she didn’t want to live anymore.  Unfortunately she lived on the third floor of a block of flats without a lift and she couldn’t manage the stairs.  Regenerate-RISE supported her and persuaded her to eat again, she never went home and later on died in Trinity Hospice.  We believe that if Rose had been able to come to the Reablement Centre, we could have helped her to choose where she lived and what she took with her, whilst at the same time, being amongst friends.

So having achieved Stage 3 with the purchase of the Platt Mission, we are now beginning to plan Stage 4 and will be working hard to secure planning permission by the end of 2023.

The new service will support St Georges Tooting, Kington Hospital, Charing Cross, Chelsea & Westminster and Queen Mary’s Roehampton.  Whilst we understand that reablement in the community is crucial, we also believe that there is a need for residential support whilst packages of care and alterations to homes are taking place.  We are committed to providing an “all round” service and support to older people across the borough of Wandsworth.  Our RISE+ project is giving us a great insight to the challenges that older people face on returning home and also the challenges that staff face with the take up of beds.

RISE+ is a step towards our Reablement Centre in that it is giving us a very good picture of the lives of Wandsworth and Merton residents and the pressures that the NHS are under.  We are also often seeing the breakdown of relationships and we can stand in the gap to be that support when patients return home.