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August 19th, 2013

Trustees for a New Era

The Trustees continue to work hard to lead Regenerate-RISE because at the core of all that we do, is the care of the “one”.  It has been a real privilege to get to know so many people over the last 20 years, to walk their journey, to be there for them when they most needed us and to provide friendship, support, care and an excellent service.

As Trustees we have to make very difficult decisions at times and perhaps one of the hardest was to close RISE Nottingham due to the Covid-19 crisis.  The team had worked brilliantly over the last 3 years providing a one-day-a-week service dependent on fundraising and income from clients.  When Covid-19 hit and centres closed, we were able to furlough the staff, but due to the prolonged closure of centres we had to look at the long-term prospects and made the decision to close it.

There will be many changes ahead with our funding from Wandsworth Council and we are working together to provide services in the years ahead.

Partnership working has always been very important to us and over the years we have enjoyed working with different Churches and organisations.  We are entering a new era following the end of our partnership with Livability and we look to developing our current and existing partners in order that we can all improve the lives of older people.

We look forward to working together to find new ways of celebrating old age and as we work in partnership with local Churches, organisations, the Council and the health authorities we hope that the lives of many older people will be transformed.

Mo Smith MBE, FRSA 

Founder and Chair of Trustees

Trustees entry

August 19th, 2013

The Trustees are committed to providing a quality service to all the RISE clients and are agents of change in the care field, ready to meet the needs of a rapidly changing society regular basis.  The current Trustees are Mo Smith, Ray Smith, Nick Oakes, Patience Siaw and Julia Przetakiewicz – a biography of each one is below.

Chair of Trustees: Mo Smith, MBE, FRSA Mo has been involved in community work for over 40 years and her experience has included providing Community Care projects, working for ACET (AIDS Care, Education and Training), The Shaftesbury Society and Mo Smith She was co-founder of with her son Andy Smith, co-founder of SHINE Again (Support and Healing using the INtegretativE arts) with her daughter Debbie Thwaites and founder of Rise n Shine Community Transport CIC. with Ray, her husband.    Mo was awarded an MBE for her work in the community of Putney and Roehampton and was pleased to receive it from the now King Charles.   She had a very successful knitting book published across the world by Dorling Kindersley called “Teddy Bear Knits” and another one called Noah’s Ark Knits.  She also has had two songs published by Kingsway Music in the early eighties that were sung across the UK.    Her hobbies include the theatre, music, crafts, creative design and enjoys her two gorgeous grandchildren of 8 and 9 years of age.

Ray Smith:   Ray has also been involved in community work for many years and has retired from being self-employed in the car industry – which was and still is a great asset to Regenerate-RISE’s fleet of minibuses. ray_head Ray volunteers regularly for RISE by doing general handyman work around the Platt Mission.   He has been involved in pastoral care and attends Hillsong Church in Guildford.  His hobby is attending rally cross events and he too enjoys spending time with his very special grandchildren, Charlotte and Oscar. Ray has transformed one of our minibuses to be Dementia – friendly with a TV monitor, inside lights and colourful headrests.


Nick Oakes joined the Board of Trustees early in 2017 and has a history in housing, benefits, support, skills project and budget management.  He has been an advocate for the marginalised, youth and elderly and lives in Cobham, Surrey.  His hobbies include travel, gardening, sport and helping others.  He enjoys travelling to Spain on a regular basis and has been a Trustee of another charity that provides services for older people in the Cobham area.


Patience Siaw lives in Guildford and works at Westminster University as an IT Support Engineer within Higher Education.  She is a member of Hillsong Church and has volunteered with Regenerate-RISE  throughout the Covid-19 pandemic telephoning 6 of our members on a weekly basis.  We welcome Patience to our Board of Trustees and know that she will bring a unique contribution to our charity.


Julia Przetakiewicz is Canadian Polish and was an employee of Regenerate-RISE a year ago with various roles including Chief Operating Officer and Centre Manager. Previous employment included conducting research for the International Business Leaders Forum in Hong Kong, Research Consultant and Workshop Facilitator for “Supply Chain Risk and Reputation – Business and Human Rights” roundtables working with Doughty Street Chambers, Beechwood International and Mazars. Julia has a MSc in Communications and Media and a BA in Modern European Studies. She speaks French, Polish, Spanish and is learning Mandarin.  Her volunteer roles include being Advisor for Feeding Hong Kong and REDRESS Hong Kong and her hobbies are hiking, skiing, tennis, travel and the arts.

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August 19th, 2013

Dementia Friendly

Regenerate-RISE aims to be “Dementia-friendly” and is looking to design our new Reablement Centre to ensure that it is.  We will have a Magic Table in the new Centre and will look forward to providing other services along the same lines.  One of our buses has been converted to be Dementia-friendly.  It has a monitor that shows photos of where the passengers are going, photos of the staff, the menu and activity for the day.  It has butterflies and birds on the windows, comfortable cushions, lights round the inside and plays nostalgic songs.

Training entry

August 19th, 2013

The Trustees of Regenerate-RISE believe that the training of staff is essential to providing a service that will ensure the clients are provided with the best standard of care that they can offer.

During Covid-19 all staff participated in two days training in Mental First Aid  and this was a great help to all staff.

Training our staff  and volunteers on “Safeguarding Adults at Risk” is an essential component of our training and our induction for new staff.  Please see our policy here  Safeguarding Adults at Risk Policy


All staff have training twice a year on topics such as Dementia, Health and Safety, Safeguarding, providing a quality service, First Aid and other subjects and when change is taking place, we consult with staff for their ideas and comments.

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August 19th, 2013

A New Vision of Care

The Trustees of Regenerate-RISE are always looking forward to how we can best serve our local communities. One of our projects that reaches out to the community is a new project of providing “Discharge Boxes” for older people leaving St George’s Hospital, Tooting.


We would like our care to extend beyond the members who attend RISE or who are visited regularly to those in our community to those who are in a specifically vulnerable position – and that is often those who are in hospital and do not have family or friends to visit them.  We hope to still provide dressing gowns along with the essential goods that ensure a patient has supplies when they return home.






About us entry

August 19th, 2013


Mo SmithRISE (Reaching the ISolated Elderly) was a project initiated by in 2001 following a participatory needs assessment of the Roehampton area by the Wandsworth Primary Care Trust. was started in January 2000 by Mo Smith and her son Andy SmithRoehampton blocks when they identified the need for a Lunch Club in the heart of the Alton Estate – the second most deprived area in the borough of Wandsworth.

From those small beginnings sprang RISE in Roehampton. Following the closure of the Robert Joy Day Centre in Putney, a second RISE was opened to reach the isolated elderly in Putney from the Platt Christian Centre in Felsham Road, Putney and has beenfunded by Wandsworth Borough Council ever since.

In April 2006 divided into two organisations with each one focusing on their specific target group and a new Company Limited by Guarantee and registered charity called Regenerate-RISE was born. In April 2007 Regenerate-RISE amalgamated their two projects into one and works from the Platt Christian Centre in Putney.


Mission Statement

To transform the lives of isolated older people through a programme of care and support which respects, values and encourages independence in later life

Compassion and kindness is at the heart of the services we provide and we look forward to the changes that we are facing following the Covid-19 pandemic.  Isolation during Covid was a major problem for a generation that are not in the main digitally active and the withdrawal of face-to-face services from health and social care professionals has led to a deterioration of health and wellbeing and we look forward to new and innovative ideas to bring the community back together again.

Event – Nottingham – 24/07/2014 – Beeston Street Festival

August 16th, 2013

Nottingham right

August 15th, 2013

You can download the RISE Nottingham programme in PDF format here

RISE Nottingham – March 2020




We regularly hold art workshops at the RISE Nottingham Centre giving people the chance to try painting for the first time or to learn new styles of art.

We have enjoyed our Kings and Queens event over the years.


The RISE Nottingham minibus was fitted with a new tail lift in August 2014 thanks to a grant from the Elsie Pilkington Trust and the bus continues to be able to transport members who use wheelchairs or find steps difficult.


One of the RISE Nottingham members had the chance to fulfil an ambition when they enjoyed a short flight over the Nottinghamshire countryside.

Regular Outings

OOThe members have enjoyed outings over the years to the Derbyshire countryside.  Whether sitting by the river trent, visiting well dressings, going to a garden centre or taking a boat trip, there is always an opportunity to meet new people.




Nottingham entry

August 15th, 2013

RISE Nottingham is now at Clifton Methodist Church at Rivergreen and enjoys being there every Friday.  There are four staff and they provide a delicious hot lunch and activities throughout the afternoon.  A number of clients are transported by minibus every week and they look forward to their day together.

We would like to provide a service three days a week and we will be looking to develop the project to include health and wellbeing – if we can obtain new funding.


“We were very grateful to the Big Lottery for funding RISE Nottingham for five years, but appreciate that now it is time for a change” said Mo Smith, Chair of Trustees.  “We want to have a much greater emphasis on reablement,  focusing on health and wellbeing enabling older people to live independently in the community for as long as possible”.  If you would like to fund a new project reaching out to the isolated elderly in Clifton, Nottingham, please contact Mo Smith on the email via the Contact Page.


RISE Nottingham

Clifton Methodist Church, Rivergreen, Clifton

Nottingham, NG11 8AU

Tel.   0115 984 4269

Mob.   0758 544 0564


August 6th, 2013

Welcome to Rise n’Shine Community Transport

WorthingSocial enterprises are an excellent way of enabling charities to be sustainable in a world where the demand for grants is ever-increasing and the money that is available is ear-marked to those most in need within our society.

Rise n’Shine was set up to provide a service to the community and has
purchased a LDV to support the local community. The profits from
Rise n Shine are distributed between Regenerate-RISE and SHINE Again.
Please click on the links for further information on each of the
organisations. Rise n Shine supports children and young people who
are experiencing difficult times and older people who have become
isolated within the community. Both organisations are making a
substantial difference to many lives and by supporting Rise n’Shine, you
are changing the lives of the most vulnerable in our society within the

For information on the services we provide, please go to about us.

We can help you withthe provision of a 12 seater minibus along with a fully qualified driverfor events and outingsandthe purchase of reliable second-hand vehicles
to your specification and price

Please do not hesitate to contact us if we can be of help.

Mo and Ray Smith
